admin_ku のすべての投稿


2016.01.21 | 臨床 |



14:55 石川さんPUSH!
15:00 テレショップ・SHOPJAPAN
15:30 みまっし!聞きまっし!お薬のこと【身近なお薬のことを学びましょう!】
本当に知りたい” お薬” のこと。今、現代人の健康を守るために” お薬” は欠かせません。でも、そのお薬はどのようにできて私たちに届いているのでしょう。
俳優 辰巳琢郎さん
モデル・タレント 越村江莉さん
金沢大学附属病院 循環器内科 山岸正和 (副病院長)
石川県薬剤師会 橋本昌子(常務理事)
日本製薬工業協会 広報委員会 高田義博 委員長
16:25 石川さんPUSH!
16:30 まさはる君が行く!【人気の温泉郷で看板ペットとお友達になれるのか?】
17:25 みまっし金沢


2016.01.04 | Publications | 研究 |

金沢大学臓器機能制御学教室では、教育、臨床とともに基礎、臨床研究にも力を注いでいます。昨年末から今年にかけまして、国際共同研究、金沢大学内臨床研究、さらにパンチの効いた症例報告論文が相次いで発表されました。中でも直近のEur Heart Jは現在IF>14の難関誌で、筆頭著者のHideki Itoh (伊藤英樹)氏も元をたどれば、金沢大学出身です。また、当科の林 研至助教などが共同研究者となっています。

Itoh H, Crotti L, Aiba T, Spazzolini C, Denjoy I, Fressart V, Hayashi K, Nakajima T, Ohno S, Makiyama T, Wu J, Hasegawa K, Mastantuono E, Dagradi F, Pedrazzini M, Yamagishi M, Berthet M13, Murakami Y, Shimizu W15, Guicheney P, Schwartz PJ, Horie M
The genetics underlying acquired long QT syndrome: impact for genetic screening.
Eur Heart J. 2015 Dec 28. pii: ehv695. [Epub ahead of print]

AIMS: Acquired long QT syndrome (aLQTS) exhibits QT prolongation and Torsades de Pointes ventricular tachycardia triggered by drugs, hypokalaemia, or bradycardia. Sometimes, QTc remains prolonged despite elimination of triggers, suggesting the presence of an underlying genetic substrate. In aLQTS subjects, we assessed the prevalence of mutations in major LQTS genes and their probability of being carriers of a disease-causing genetic variant based on clinical factors.
METHODS AND RESULTS: We screened for the five major LQTS genes among 188 aLQTS probands (55 ± 20 years, 140 females) from Japan, France, and Italy. Based on control QTc (without triggers), subjects were designated ‘true aLQTS’ (QTc within normal limits) or ‘unmasked cLQTS’ (all others) and compared for QTc and genetics with 2379 members of 1010 genotyped congenital long QT syndrome (cLQTS) families. Cardiac symptoms were present in 86% of aLQTS subjects. Control QTc of aLQTS was 453 ± 39 ms, shorter than in cLQTS (478 ± 46 ms, P < 0.001) and longer than in non-carriers (406 ± 26 ms, P < 0.001). In 53 (28%) aLQTS subjects, 47 disease-causing mutations were identified. Compared with cLQTS, in ‘true aLQTS’, KCNQ1 mutations were much less frequent than KCNH2 (20% [95% CI 7-41%] vs. 64% [95% CI 43-82%], P < 0.01). A clinical score based on control QTc, age, and symptoms allowed identification of patients more likely to carry LQTS mutations.
img_topics072015年末から本年にかけて相次いで、高IF論文が採択されていますCONCLUSION: A third of aLQTS patients carry cLQTS mutations, those on KCNH2 being more common. The probability of being a carrier of cLQTS disease-causing mutations can be predicted by simple clinical parameters, thus allowing possibly cost-effective genetic testing leading to cascade screening for identification of additional at-risk family members.


Konno T, Nagata Y, Teramoto R, Fujino N, Nomura A, Tada H, Sakata K, Furusho H, Takamura M, Nakamura H, Kawashiri MA2 Yamagishi M, Hayashi K.
Usefulness of Electrocardiographic Voltage to Determine Myocardial Fibrosis in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.
Am J Cardiol. 2015 Nov 19. pii: S0002-9149(15)02253-5. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2015.11.015. [Epub ahead of print]

Classic electrocardiographic (ECG) voltage indexes have been applied to screen for left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HC). However, it is unclear whether low ECG voltage reflects deteriorated electrical forces because of replacement of the myocardium by fibrotic tissues in HC. We investigated correlations between classic ECG voltage indexes (Cornell, total QRS voltage, and Sokolow-Lyon) and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) parameters focusing on the impact of low ECG voltage on the LV ejection fraction (LVEF) and myocardial fibrosis in HC. We studied 108 consecutive patients with HC who underwent CMR imaging with late gadolinium enhancement (LGE). Nineteen patients with complete right or left bundle branch block were excluded, leaving 89 patients for analysis (age 61.0 ± 13.9 years; 58 men). Of the 3 voltage indexes, the total QRS voltage and Sokolow-Lyon indexes were positively correlated with LVEF. For discriminating patients with end-stage HC (LVEF <50%) from patients with HC and preserved LVEF (≥50%), receiver-operating characteristic analysis revealed an excellent area under the curve of 0.87 for the total QRS voltage index and 0.90 for the Sokolow-Lyon index, whereas the area under the curve for the Cornell index was only 0.54 (p <0.01). Moreover, these 2 voltage indexes were negatively correlated with the extent of LGE-determined myocardial fibrosis when adjusted by the LV maximal wall thickness. In conclusion, low ECG voltage indexes may reflect increased myocardial fibrosis in patients with HC.


Nakahashi T1, Sakata K1, Tsuda T1, Tanaka Y1, Ohira M1, Mori M1, Takata M1, Kawashiri MA1, Takemura H1, Yamagishi M1, Hayashi K1.
Abrupt progression of ventricular septal perforation after primary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction.
Cardiovasc Diagn Ther. 2015 Dec;5(6):479-83. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-3652.2015.06.06.

2015年末から本年にかけて相次いで、高IF論文が採択されていますA 61-year-old-man was transferred to our hospital because of progressive heart failure after reperfusion for acute myocardial infarction (MI). When he visited the local hospital with severe chest pain associated with inferior MI, transthoracic echocardiography revealed small ventricular septal perforation (VSP). The patient had emergent coronary angiography, which revealed total occlusion of the mid-portion of the right coronary artery. Primary angioplasty was successful for reperfusion. However, because of hemodynamic instability the patient was transferred to our hospital. Under these conditions, transthoracic echocardiography which was undertaken 3 hours after primary angioplasty, demonstrated progressive enlargement of the VSP probably due to reperfusion injury. The rupture site, which was further enlarged at the time of operation, was repaired using the patch exclusion technique. The patient could discharge without complications. We suggest that primary angioplasty may potentially induce late reperfusion injury in patients with VSP complicating MI.


2015.12.28 | 臨床 |





2015.12.21 | 臨床 |









AHA 2015 in Orlando, Frolida

2015.11.30 | 海外学会 | 学会・研究会 |





AHA 2014 in Chicago, Illinois

AHA 2013 in Dallas, Texas

AHA 2012 in Los Angeles, California

AHA 2011 in Orlando, Florida

AHA 2010 in Chicago, Illinois

AHA 2009 in Orlando, Florida

AHA 2008 in New Orleans, Louisiana

AHA 2007 in Orlando, Florida




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Improvement in Survival With Favorable Neurological Outcome in Elderly Japanese Patients With Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Nationwide Observational Cohort Study
Akira Funada, Yoshikazu Goto, Tetsuo Maeda, Ryota Teramoto, Masakazu Yamagishi


Impact of Therapeutic Hypothermia on Hemodynamics and Prognosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome After Resuscitation From Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest
Taiji Yoshida, Kenji Sakata, Tetsuo Konno, Kenshi Hayashi, Masa-aki Kawashiri, Masaki Okajima, Takumi Taniguchi, Masakazu Yamagishi


ACC 2011 in New Orleans, Louisiana


Impact of Entrance Examination on Development of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in New University Students
Tetsuo Konno, Michiko Ikeda, Miho Shimizu, Tsuyoshi Yoshimuta, Hiroaki Yoshikawa, Junji Koizumi, Tohihide Okada, Ayako Suzuki, Masakazu Yamagishi



Plasma Apolipoprotein C-III Levels Correlate With Malignant HDL-Lipid Composition Associated With Coronary Artery Disease in Primary Dyslipidemia
Atsushi Nohara, Akihiro Inazu, Masa-aki Kawashiri, Hayato Tada, Mie Yoshida, Mika Mori, Chiaki Nakanishi, Kunimasa Yagi, Takeshi Kobayashi, Masakazu Yamagishi, Hiroshi Mabuchi

Role of Lysosomal Acid Lipase in LDL-C Regulation in Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Metabolic Syndrome
Atsushi Nohara, Masa-aki Kawashiri, Yoshikatsu Eto, Miwa Fujisaki, Hayato Tada, Mie Yoshida, Mika Mori, Chiaki Nakanishi, Kunimasa Yagi, Akihiro Inazu, Takeshi Kobayashi, Masakazu Yamagishi, Hiroshi Mabuchi

Common PCSK9 Gain-of-function E32K Variant Carriers Reveal Milder LDL-C but Higher TG Elevation Compared With LDLR Mutations
Atsushi Nohara, Masa-aki Kawashiri, Hayato Tada, Mie Yoshida, Mika Mori, Chiaki Nakanishi, Kunimasa Yagi, Akihiro Inazu, Takeshi Kobayashi, Masakazu Yamagishi, Hiroshi Mabuchi

Impact of Betatrophin (ANGPTL8) R59W Mutation for Future Diabetes, and Minimal Modification of Circulating Betatrophin With Strong Statins
Atsushi Nohara, Masa-aki Kawashiri, Hiroaki Hattori, Tadao Iwasaki, Jianhui Liu, Kunimasa Yagi, Mie Yoshida, Mika Mori, Chiaki Nakanishi, Hayato Tada, Akihiro Inazu, Takeshi Kobayashi, Masakazu Yamagishi, Hiroshi Mabuchi


Impact of Baseline High-sensitive C-reactive Protein on the Regression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Patients Treated With Combined Lipid And Blood Pressure-lowering Therapy: Insight From MILLION Study
Kenji Sakata, Tadatsugu Gamou, Masa-aki Kawashiri, Honin Kanaya, Hidekazu Ino, Yutaka Nitta, Kazuyasu Okeie, Masanobu Namura, Masakazu Yamagishi


Comprehensive Approach Identifying Disease-causing Variants in Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Using a Targeted Sequencing Panel Focusing on 21 Cardiomyopathy-associated Genes
Ryota Teramoto, Noboru Fujino, Hayato Tada, Tetsuo Konno, Yoshihiro Tanaka, Youji Nagata, Toyonobu Tsuda, Kenji Sakata, Kenshi Hayashi, Hidekazu Ino, Masa-aki Kawashiri, Masakazu Yamagishi

寺本助教は2012年のLos Angeles依頼の参加です。

AHA 2012, Los Angeles, California


Whole Exome Sequencing in Familial Hypobetalipoproteinemia
Hayato Tada, Masa-aki Kawashiri, Atsushi Nohara, Akihiro Inazu, Hiroshi Mabuchi, Masakazu Yamagishi


A Rare Coincidence of Sitosterolemia and Familial Mediterranean Fever Identified by Whole Exome Sequencing
Hayato Tada, Masa-aki Kawashiri, Atsushi Nohara, Akihiro Inazu, Hiroshi Mabuchi, Masakazu Yamagishi

Lipoprotein (a) in Familial Hypercholesterolemia With Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin Kexin Type 9 Gain-of-function Mutations
Hayato Tada, Masa-aki Kawashiri, Taiji Yoshida, Ryota Teramoto, Atsushi Nohara, Akihiro Inazu, Hiroshi Mabuchi, Masakazu Yamagishi


Impact of Reverse Vessel Remodeling on the Regression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Patients Treated With Aggressive Lipid and Blood Pressure-lowering Therapy: Insight From Million Study
Tadatsugu Gamou, Kenji Sakata, Masa-aki Kawashiri, Hounin Kanaya, Hidekazu Ino, Yutaka Nitta, Kazukiyo Okeie, Masanobu Namura, Masakazu Yamagishi



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