admin_ku のすべての投稿

【原著論文】Tada H, et al. J Clin Lipidol. 2016 (循環器グループ:多田隼人助教)

2017.11.16 | Publications | 臨床 |

Prevalence, clinical features, and prognosis of patients with extremely low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol

Tada H, Kawashiri MA, Konno T, Nohara A, Inazu A, Mabuchi H, Yamagishi M, Hayashi K.

J Clin Lipidol. 2016 Nov – Dec;10(6):1311-1317.
Impact Factor (2016): 5.812




Little data exist on the clinical features of patients with an extremely low level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (<20 mg/dL).


To assess the clinical characteristics of Japanese patients with extremely low HDL cholesterol levels.


In this observational study of 429 patients with extremely low HDL cholesterol levels among 43,368 subjects whose HDL cholesterol was measured for any reason at Kanazawa University Hospital from April 2004 to March 2014, we investigated the presence of coronary artery disease, chronic kidney disease, the potential causes of reduced HDL cholesterol, their prognosis, and the cause of death.


Most patients (n = 425, 99%) exhibited secondary causes, including malignancies (n = 157, 37%), inflammatory diseases (n = 219, 51%), or other critical situations, such as major bleeding (n = 58, 14%). During the median 175-day follow-up period, 106 patients died. The causes of death in 80 (75%) patients were malignancies, inflammatory diseases, or major bleeding, in contrast to a relatively low incidence of death from atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (n = 10, 10%). Multiple regression analysis showed that the presence of malignancy and HDL cholesterol was independently associated with death, in addition to age. The cumulative survival curve revealed that patients with an HDL cholesterol of <15 mg/dl, determined using the receiver-operating characteristic curve, had significantly higher mortality than those whose HDL cholesterol level was ≥15 mg/dL.


Extremely low HDL cholesterol levels could be a useful marker for poor prognosis, not necessarily related to cardiovascular diseases.

【総説】The genetics of atrial fibrillation(循環器グループ:林研至助教)

2017.11.10 | Publications | 臨床 |

The genetics of atrial fibrillation

Hayashi K, Tada H, Yamagishi M.

Curr Opin Cardiol. 2017 Jan;32(1):10-16. 
Impact Factor (2017): 2.08






To describe recent findings regarding the role of rare and common genetic variants in atrial fibrillation.


Atrial fibrillation is associated with several clinical risk factors and

its development is affected by genetic background. To date, rare variants from more than 30 genes have been identified from studies of familial cases or individuals with lone atrial fibrillation. In addition to using the candidate gene approach for the identification of rare variants, next-generation sequencing approaches such as genomic, whole exome and targeted sequencing have been employed. Furthermore, evidence of association between common variants and atrial fibrillation has been discovered through genome-wide association studies. Although the power of any one single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) associated with atrial fibrillation is weak, a genetic risk score comprising 12 SNPs may identify individuals at an increased risk for atrial fibrillation. This SNP panel may also delineate genotypes to enable stratification of atrial fibrillation ablation therapy or periinterventional management.


Although studies have demonstrated that atrial fibrillation is highly heritable, many aspects of atrial fibrillation remain unknown. Rigorous research efforts continue with the expectation that the contribution of variants and candidate genes that contribute to the overall genetic architecture of atrial fibrillation will be identified and characterized in the coming years.

第29回日本リウマチ学会中部支部学術集会 中部リウマチ学会

2017.11.06 | 国内学会 |

第29回日本リウマチ学会中部支部学術集会 中部リウマチ学会が2017年9月8日から9日にかけて金沢の金沢市文化ホールで開催されました。

 9月8日から9日にかけて、私たち金沢大学循環器病態内科学 リウマチ・膠原病内科研究室の主催で第29回中部リウマチ学会が開催されました。



覚知 泰志,井上 亮,藤澤 雄平

松永 貴弘,藤井 博,鈴木 信博,吉田 美咲,蔵島 乾,原 怜史,伊藤 清亮,水島 伊知郎,山田 和徳,川野 充弘

川原 寛之,中島 昭勝,竹治 明梨,鈴木 康倫,川野 充弘

柘植 俊介,水島 伊知郎,鈴木 信博,藤澤 雄平,原 怜史,鈴木 華恵,伊藤 清亮,藤井 博,山田 和徳,川野 充弘

吉田 美咲,伊藤 清亮,鈴木 信博,松永 貴弘,蔵島 乾,原 怜史,水島 伊知郎,藤井 博,山田 和徳,川野 充弘

堀田 成人,高橋 芳徳,岩井中 陽一,平田 昌義

眞田 創,鈴木 康倫,西岡 亮,竹治 明梨,中島 昭勝,川野 充弘

額 裕海,鈴木 一如,大鐘 邦裕,荒木 英雄

藤澤 雄平,藤井 博,鈴木 信博,柘植 俊介,鈴木 華恵,伊藤 清亮,水島 伊知郎,井上 亮,山田 和徳,川野 充弘

井上 亮,覚知 泰志,藤澤 雄平

谷 悠紀子,竹田 正廣,原 怜史,水島 伊知郎,藤井 博,山田 和徳,川野 充弘

西岡 亮,中島 昭勝,川野 充弘

清水 瑛子,鈴木 信博,水島 伊知郎,吉田 美咲,蔵島 乾,松永 貴弘,原 怜史,伊藤 清亮,藤井 博,山田 和徳,川野 充弘

大鐘 邦裕,鈴木 一如,額 裕海,荒木 英雄


【総説】Tada H, et al. J Hum Genet. 2017(循環器グループ:多田隼人助教)

2017.11.02 | Publications | 研究 |

Comprehensive genotyping in dyslipidemia: mendelian dyslipidemias caused by rare variants and Mendelian randomization studies using common variants

Tada H, Kawashiri MA, Yamagishi M.

J Hum Genet. 2017 Apr;62(4):453-458. Review.
Impact Factor (2016): 2.41


Dyslipidemias, especially hyper-low-density lipoprotein cholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia, are important causal risk factors for coronary artery disease. Comprehensive genotyping using the ‘next-generation sequencing’ technique has facilitated the investigation of Mendelian dyslipidemias, in addition to Mendelian randomization studies using common genetic variants associated with plasma lipids and coronary artery disease. The beneficial effects of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol-lowering therapies on coronary artery disease have been verified by many randomized controlled trials over the years, and subsequent genetic studies have supported these findings. More recently, Mendelian randomization studies have preceded randomized controlled trials. When the on-target/off-target effects of rare variants and common variants exhibit the same direction, novel drugs targeting molecules identified by investigations of rare Mendelian lipid disorders could be promising. Such a strategy could aid in the search for drug discovery seeds other than those for dyslipidemias.



【原著論文】Gamou T, et al. Circ J. 2017. (循環器グループ:蒲生忠継助教)

2017.10.29 | Publications |

Effect of Reverse Vessel Remodeling on Regression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Patients Treated With Aggressive Lipid- and Blood Pressure-Lowering Therapy - Insight From MILLION Study

Gamou T, Sakata K, Tada H, Konno T, Hayashi K, Ino H, Yamagishi M, Kawashiri MA; MILLION Study Group.
Circ J. 2017 May 17.
Impact Factor (2016): 4.12



The MILLION study, a prospective randomized multicenter study, revealed that lipid and blood pressure (BP)-lowering therapy resulted in regression of coronary plaque as determined by intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). In the present study we performed additional analysis to investigate the associated factors with regression of coronary plaque.


Methods and Results:We investigated serial 3D IVUS images from 68 patients in the MILLION study. Standard IVUS parameters were assessed at both baseline and follow-up (18-24 months). Volumetric data were standardized by length as normalized volume. In patients with plaque regression (n=52), plaque volumenormalizedsignificantly decreased from 64.8 to 55.8 mm3(P<0.0001) and vessel volumenormalizedsignificantly decreased from 135.0 to 127.5 mm3(P=0.0008).

There was no difference in lumen volumenormalizedfrom 70.1 to 71.8 mm3(P=0.27). There were no correlations between % changes in vessel volume and cholesterol or BP. On the other hand, negative correlations between % change in vessel volume and vessel volumenormalizedat baseline (r=-0.352, P=0.009) or plaque volumenormalizedat baseline (r=-0.336, P=0.01) were observed.




The current data demonstrated that in patients with plaque regression treated by aggressive lipid and BP-lowering therapy, the plaque regression was derived from reverse vessel remodeling determined by vessel volume and plaque burden at baseline irrespective of decreases in lipids and BP.