
ここ数年、当教室では解析効率が革新的に向上した遺伝子解析機器(NGS: next generation sequencing)を用いて数々の業績を上げています。
Tada H, Kawashiri MA, Yamagishi M, Hayashi K.
Atrial fibrillation: an inherited cardiovascular disease—a commentary on genetics of atrial fibrillation: from families to genomes.
J Hum Genet. 2016 Jan;61(1):3-4.
Tada H, Kawashiri MA, Takata M, Matsunami K, Imamura A, Matsuyama M, Sawada H, Nunoi H, Konno T, Hayashi K, Nohara A, Inazu A, Kobayashi J, Mabuchi H, Yamagishi M.
Infantile Cases of Sitosterolaemia with Novel Mutations in the ABCG5 Gene: Extreme Hypercholesterolaemia is Exacerbated by Breastfeeding.
JIMD Rep. 2015;21:115-22.
Hayashi K, Konno T, Tada H, Tani S, Liu L, Fujino N, Nohara A, Hodatsu A, Tsuda T, Tanaka Y, Kawashiri MA, Ino H, Makita N, Yamagishi M.
Functional Characterization of Rare Variants Implicated in Susceptibility to Lone Atrial Fibrillation.
Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2015 Oct;8(5):1095-104.
Tada H, Melander O, Louie JZ, Catanese JJ, Rowland CM, Devlin JJ, Kathiresan S, Shiffman D.
Risk prediction by genetic risk scores for coronary heart disease is independent of self-reported family history.
Eur Heart J. 2016 Feb 7;37(6):561-7.
Nomura A, Tada H, Teramoto R, Konno T, Hodatsu A, Won HH, Kathiresan S, Ino H, Fujino N, Yamagishi M, Hayashi K.
Whole exome sequencing combined with integrated variant annotation prediction identifies a causative myosin essential light chain variant in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
J Cardiol. 2016 Feb;67(2):133-9.
Tada H, Kawashiri MA, Yamagishi M, Hayashi K.
Whole Exome Sequencing in Monogenic Dyslipidemias.
J Atheroscler Thromb. 2015;22(9):881-5.
Tada H, Kawashiri MA, Nohara A, Saito R, Tanaka Y, Nomura A, Konno T, Sakata K, Fujino N, Takamura T, Inazu A, Mabuchi H, Yamagishi M, Hayashi K.
Whole exome sequencing combined with integrated variant annotation prediction identifies asymptomatic Tangier disease with compound heterozygous mutations in ABCA1 gene.
Atherosclerosis. 2015 Jun;240(2):324-9.
Tada H, Kawashiri MA, Okada H, Endo S, Toyoshima Y, Konno T, Nohara A, Inazu A, Takao A, Mabuchi H, Yamagishi M, Hayashi K.
A Rare Coincidence of Sitosterolemia and Familial Mediterranean Fever Identified by Whole Exome Sequencing.
J Atheroscler Thromb. 2016 Jul 1;23(7):884-90.
2017年6月 冠動脈ステントに関するの話題(山岸正和教授)
2017年5月 肺動脈性肺高血圧についての話題(川尻剛照准教授)
2017年4月 関節リウマチについての話題(川野充弘診療科長・講師)
2016年12月 膠原病診療についての話題(川野充弘診療科長・講師)