Early endothelialization associated with a biolimus A9 bioresorbable polymer stent in a porcine coronary model
Mori M, Sakata K, Nakanishi C, Nakahashi T, Kawashiri MA, Yoshioka K, Takuwa Y, Okada H, Yokawa JI, Shimojima M, Yoshimuta T, Yoshida S, Yamagishi M, Hayashi K.
Heart Vessels. 2017 May 17.
Impact Factor (2016): 3.434
Although Nobori®, with a bioresorbable polymer and biolimus A9 abluminal coating, has unique characteristics, few data exist regarding endothelialization early after implantation. Fifteen Nobori® and 14 control bare-metal stents (S-stent™) were implanted in 12 pigs. Histopathology of stented segments, inflammation, and intimal fibrin content was evaluated on the 2nd and 14th day after implantation. On the 2nd day, endothelial cells were morphologically and immunohistologically confirmed on the surface of both stents, although some inflammatory cells might be involved. Stent surface endothelialization evaluated with a scanning electron microscope showed partial cellular coverage in both stents. On the 14th day, neointimal thickness and percentage of the neointimal area were significantly lower in Nobori® than in S-stent™ (51.4 ± 4.5 vs. 76.4 ± 23.6 µm, p < 0.05 and 10.8 ± 2.6 vs. 14.1 ± 4.2%, p < 0.01). No significant differences were found in these parameters on the 2nd day (17.3 ± 14.9 vs. 26.7 ± 13.6 µm and 3.7 ± 3.0 vs. 6.7 ± 3.7%), in inflammatory and intimal fibrin content scores. These results demonstrate that endothelialization could occur early after Nobori® implantation with similar inflammatory reaction to bare-metal stents, probably contributing to low frequency of in-stent thrombosis and restenosis.

Noboriとその原型となったベアメタルステント(S-stent)をブタ冠動脈に留置し、2日後と14日後における内皮化を比較検討しました。HE染色、蛍光免疫染色、走査型電子顕微鏡(SEM)で形態観察および組織学的解析を行ったところ、ステント留置2日後には、ステントは新生内膜で部分的に被覆されており、特にHE染色標本では形態学的に内皮化を示唆する血管内皮細胞が確認されました(図1)。そこで、内皮細胞の存在を確認するために蛍光免疫染色を行ったところ、von Willebrand factor、VE-Cadherin、KDR/VEGFR2においてそれぞれで陽性となり、内皮細胞の存在が証明されました。
